2013 Finds page
OK for what it's worth. This page is my daily log of better finds. But just to let you know for every good item pictured here I dig hundreds of targets.
Bottle caps, pulltabs,can tops, aluminum foil and every other type of metal crap you can think of.
I am posting on Facebook so like my Chicago Ron page.
Weather has sucked! Snow and cold make detecting near impossable!
Year end video up!
2013 great year for coins and artifacts |
DC Nick was in town and we met up for a couple hours of detecting!
Hit the beach for about an hour before the cold got the best of us! I got the antique silver pin.
We then went to a park near my house, I got 2 merc's and a double band silver ring.

I just got back from Virginia.
I was at Montpelier going through an Archaeology certification program offered through Montpelier and Minelab.
Awesome week of learning what the finding, preserving and recording of artifacts entails, I have a new respect for Iron and recovering all artifacts to get the bigger picture that archaeologists are looking for. Well done Matt Reeves (head archaeologist) for Montpelier and Minelab on helping both groups learn to appreciate each others contributions
Video of project at Montpilier |
What an incredable trip! Lots of gerat artifacts and coins.
All but 2 hunters got at least hammered silver.
Here is the first page of my Export application!

England Barn hunt October 2013 full video. 53 minutes
Link to full video of 3 week hunt
Awesome day!
3rd regimet button,
1377-1399 Richard II hammered silver half penny

Victorian silver button back,
Victorian silver tiger stone cuff link

Ancient gold ingot 11.7g, 34.99mm L - reported as treasure to museum
Perfect weight to make 2 full Celtic gold staters
Video of Gold bar find!
3 hammies and a milled today!
1300-10 Edward 1st silver farthing, 1945 milled silver six pence
1573 Elizabeth 1st silver half groat,
1592-4 Elizabeth 1st silver half groat

Team for week 3

Finds from the weekend
1790's Royal artilliary button, royal Navy button
1600's Toy Cannon
2nd to 4th century Roman stick broach, 2 hammerd silver from previous picture
19th century silver fob chain portion
2 beautiful Hammered silver coins today
1590-2 Elizabeth 1st half groat,
1242-47 Henry III short cross penny

Wow I saw this sticking out of the dirt clod and thought I had found my first Hammered gold coin!

Turned out to be a rare 1689 William and Mary Gold Guinea
Fine 600pounds, VF, 2000 pounds, EF 6250 pounds
My rarest gold coin to date! |
Another Brilliant day! Loads of great finds.
3 hammered copper
4 Hammered silver
1422-1460 Henry VI silver penny,
1272 Edward Ist hammered silver penny
1217-18 Henry III hammered silver short cross penny,
1584- 6 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver half penny
A complete cast copper alloy pouring spout in the form of a dog’s head.
Medieval to Post-Medieval (c. AD 1400 – c. AD 1550).
Several of the boys got Hammies today!
I scored a big one!
1592-5 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver shilling
1592-5 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver half groat, 1696 William III six pence

Week 2 team photo
Rainy day and we called an early hunt.
Poker night in the UK!

Double gold day!
Cal George got a nice 9kt gold ring with 3 stones
20thC Continental 9 carat gold and platinum diamond ring - Marked PLAT 9 CT
18.82mm dia, 1.73g

I popped a beauty Celtic Full stater
Addedomaros 45BC Celtic gold stater - sent to CCI for recording
18.32mm, 5.48g
Good day, Guys are digging lots of great stuff. I got a couple nice coins.
1634 Charles 1st rose farthing, Cut half
of a 1247 Henry III hammered silver voided longcross

First afternoon in England and did well. We got some new land last year and the fireld we started on this afternoon was not available as it was covered in Carrots. Carrots were gone and the Hammies started to appear.
(1501-1521).Venetian Soldino hammered silver coin, Folded Long cross penny
Worn long cross penny,
1578-9 Elizabeth 1st hammered silver penny

Off for my bi-annual trip to hunt in England.
Fall is the smaller of the 2 trips. I bring 6 hunter per week for 3 weeks.
First weeks group
Spent an hour hunting the park next to my house. I should hunt this more often. 1903 and 1895 indians 1918 and 35 buffalos

Got home from work and noticed they had removed the sidewalk next to a 18 unit building on my block.
Thought what the hell. Glad I did. LOL 1925 St Lib quarter and 1927 buffalo. Not bad for an hour! 
Finally a day where the wind and waves are cooperating. Nice little cut produces some coins and a silver band.
Dry sand again. lots of small targets. 2 silver earrings

Waves have picked up again, hope they move some sand!!!!
Dry sand for 3 or 4 hours, about 7 dollars in change and a coupe junk jewlery.

Back to the gravel from yesterday. Not too many targets but got a very faint low and recovered a pretty little engagement ring.

14K Diamond ring .15 stone, 1.7grams

Tried 2 different beaches not many targets, found 1 small spot with some gravel and pulled a hand made silver ring.
Everyone liked the Fuck tag! LOL

Waves calmed down a bit. Able to get back in the water. 1 silver ring and a plated earring.

Hit the dry for an hour and a half. Just coins
went back out with my little red head

tried a different beach, she got some coins and junk in the dry
I got 2 more small gold in the water.

This cut is awesome!
spent 5 hours in the water, lots of coins and a silver earring,
Plus 2 gold!

5 hour back in the rocks, lots of crustys a silver ring and a beautiful 14k ring!

14K diamond ring, 3- 1/4 ct baggets and 4 5 point round diamonds

4 hour in the cut, lots of coins and a silver earring

Got a frantic call from the ring owner, he lost it in waist to chest deep water.
Drove 75 miles to the beach and the recovery only took 10 minutes. 1+ ounce of platinum and a 12 ct Blue sapphire.
Insured value $61,000
Link to video

Good cut with lots of rocks, crusty coins are always a good sign. Going back soon

4 hours in the water, silver ring and earring, about 4 bucks in coins

3 more beaches gota beautiful 14k diamond ring, silver 3 band ring and some coins and junk jewlery.

14K gold ring 14- 1 point roung and 14- 1 point baggets.4.1grams

Able to get back in the water, tried a couple beaches. got this 14k womans white gold band along the shore.

14K gold band 5.4g

More dry sand finds. 1 junk owl ring

4 hours in the dry sand, water was a little rough, lots of coins and junk!

Couple hours this morning, The other hunters in town have hit the water pretty hard after the airshow this weekend.
But they did leave a few scraps for the old man! LOL
Change, Silver chain and Star of David silver charm.

Not lots of targets but did get some fresh drops.
14K gold wedding band, 2.2 grams and a stainless steel ring.
silver post earring and a couple coins.
2 silver toe rings, another silver ring a silver earring and a 1941 mertcury dime.
Bonus: 1954 Willmet beach tag.

Good days have few and far between.
2 gold, 10 white band, 6.7grams and a 14K gold cross
2 silver rings and a silver chain.
best count day so far this year!

Another good day in the water, Hit a beach with lots of rocks.
10k High School ring, 17.7grams

4 hours on 3 different beaches, lots of change a Tiffany and co bracelet and a small silver ring.

Wow what a day!
Spent 2 hours in the water and got nada! Decided to hit the dry sand and was just getting coins and crap.
Moved to a spot under some trees just off the beach and started digging lots of targets mostly pulltabs and coins,
Got a big hit and thiught it was another can top, BINGO!
Vintage womans Concord watch, 28 diamonds on watch plus 10 on the face.
Stainless steel band with 14K inserts and winder!
UPDATE! Jewler put in a new battery and it works like a charm
Retail $5,000 to $7,000!

Beach has been terrible, 2 hours just change and junk jewlry.

3 or 4 dollars in change and a silver and terquoise ring.

a trip to the woods.
Very old site, dug a 1923 mercury dime, Buffalo nickle, a 3 ring bullet from the late 1800's
and a hand forged brass square nail that looks like it has a makers mark on the head.

Got in the water for an hour or so, all light targets.
Decided to work the slope in the wet sand, 2 oldies
1941 Mercury dime and a dateless buffalo nickle.

Another day at the office! LOL
No good stuff today, worked the dry sand for a couple hours.

The Detecting Lifestyle.
Sunday night's radio program, The Detecting lifestyle. Their last show of the season.
Dave and the boys know how to talk treasure, They discuss National Metal detecting day on the Jersey shore.
I called in and had a nice chat about the new show coming up on the Travel Channel.
Thanks Dave, Dennis, Chad and all the rest of the crew!
Check out their FB group. The detecting Lifestyle
Link for download: http://en.1000mikes.com/download/302871/12308664.mp3
Sweet home Chicago!
Back in the lake, small washout with some older targets.
I managed a silver merc dime (need a good electrollys bath)
and a small silver cross ( love the skull and crossbones below JC)
The spoon is rogers bros. plated but says Illinois National Union (neat find)

At last it's here, our new detecting show Dig Wars!

Mike Scott, Josh Silva, Larry Cissna, Abby Silva, Ron Guinazzo,
Link to premeire event
Premiering on the Travel Channel June 12th at 9pm Central.
Dig Wars features 3 teams of the the most talented. entertaining and colorful detectorists in the country.
Competing to find the most historically significant artifacts for love of history, reputation and bragging rights.
You'll have to tune in to see. |
Got another hour in at the lake, dug about 100 targets in the rocks in 60 minutes!
Unfortunatly no more silver. I did get 53 sinkers!
Out shooting pick ups for the last episode of Dig Wars!
Got an hour between shoots and hit a local fishing hole to see if it was used for swiming.
Some sinkers, spoons and a few coins, 2 wheat pennies some clad coins and my last target
A 1959 D Franklyn half!
Down to the beach now that the ice has melted!
No silver or gold but it felt good to get out!
About 5 dollars in Pocket change and a 1976 evanston beach tag

Hit the lake for 3 hours, found a nice cut!
Ended up with 7 silver coins and a silver ring,
The stainless looking ring needs to be tested as it could be white gold.
2013 Spring England hunt summation!
What a fantastic trip as far as gold goes, silver was a little elusive.
The weather was a bear with at least 5 days of almost white out conditions.
We managed to set a record for the most gold coins found in a 3 week hunt.
12 gold coins and 2 other gold items, 11 of the gold were Celtic, all of which were reported as 4 seperate hoards.
A 1809 George III 1/3 Guinea.
My hat is off to all these dedicated hunters that braved the cold, snow, and mud
to find the dream at the end of the rainbow!
Link to video: Celtic Gold Galore! |
Final day and in the afternoon while I'm cleaning the van
ILL Tim gets another full stater on the same field that John got his full stater.
Addedomarus 45BC Celtic gold full stater - reported as potential hoard to museum
A great find by ILL John,
17th century petronel (working toy pistol)

Again with the gold and more than 1!
first thing in the morning Bavarian Terry gets his 2nd quarter stater!
70BC Morini boat tree Celtic gold qtr stater
Reported as potential hoard to museum
In the afternoon Cal George gets another quarter stater!
Back to the same field for more and Bavarian Terry pops one!
Trinovantes British G “Clacton” quarter, Hobbs 192 Celtic gold 1/4 stater 50BC - - sent to CCI for recording & reported as potential hoard to museum
Classed as scarce
Gold is coming up everywhere this year!
In the snow and wind ILL John gets his 2nd gold coin of the trip
Trinovantes British G “Clacton” quarter, Hobbs 192 Celtic gold 1/4 stater 50BC - - sent to CCI for recording & reported as potential hoard to museum
1.41g, 11.93mm
What an incredible day!
At 10:30 Seattle Casey finds a Full celtic gold stater on one field.
At 11:45 ILL John finds another full stater in the rough plow across the road in the middle of the field  
After lunch we decide to hit the field where Casey found his stater as a team to see if there are anymore.
2:00 pm ILL Tim pops a beauty
On the same field 45 minutes later, ILL Wendell finds a 1809 George III 1/3 guinea
4 gold coins in a day that is insane! |
I dropped Cal George, ILL John and Tokyo Jeff off at a field by them selves for the day
the rest of the team tried a different field. At dinner George dropped this puppy in my hand!
50 BC Gallo Belgic full Celtic gold stater - sent to CCI for recording and potential hoard coin
6.24g, 18.72mm

What a beauty! |
Cal George bangs in a beauty gold signet ring
1911 Mans gold signet 'love' ring - Inscribed inside D.K.G - external JCIE
18 carat Chester hall mark Maker JH
21.3mm dia,4.86g

ILL Tim gets 2 identical roman silvers, are pat of hoard from this field last fall.
The larger is a typical siliqua of Honorius, 393-423, it seems to be from the mint at Milan - the exergue, if I'm reading it accurately, is MDPS.
The other mints striking siliquae for Honorius were at Trier - TRPS; Rome - RMPS; Ravenna - RVPS; and Aquilea - AQPS

I also found a Roman silver a little thicker and more worn but believe it is part of the hoard,

and a roman bronze of the same type
Honorius - 393-423 AD
1461- 70 Edward IV hammered silver penny - Class IV, Rose in centre of reverse cross
im Cross - Extra pellet in one quadrent of reverse cross
Durham mint

Weather has been a big issue yesterday and today, white out conditions 30 degrees and wind at 30 MPH.
Everyone has been troopers out in the field tuffing it out!
Pays off big time for Misouri Mike!
rare North Thames tribe 1/4 stater!
1.48g, 10.58mm

Dug a roman silver that should clean up pretty well. You can make out a little of the head and see all the legand on the reverse.
Here is what our roman expert said about the coin
The only place I can find the reverse legend (which is about all that I can make out on this piece at this point) is on denarii of Septimius Severus and Caracalla. (c. 193-217) It reads: PART MAX PONT TR P IIII - it should show 2 captives seated at the foot of a trophy.
So yes, this should definitely be pretty good silver (unless you have some reason to suspect a fourree, it should be better than 50% at any rate) and a candidate for cooking. When some of the crud on the obverse falls away, I should be able to tell you whether this belongs to father (Sept Sev) or son (Caracalla) - or someone else.
This is also interesting in that you have shown me very little material from the Severan Dynasty overall - it's made itself pretty obvious by its near complete absence from the record of coin-types you've found, while Severan coins, in general, are not at all scarce anywhere else.
First full day of hunting.
Terry got a hammered silver penny, everyone had lots of targets on new land.
I started off with a bang! Last week 7 Celtic gold coins were found on this new land and today I got #8
10.35mm, 1.46g
70BC Morini boat tree Celtic gold qtr stater
reported as part of Celtic gold coin hoard |
Arrived in England for my Bi-annual hunt!

Good team shoud dig some serious finds. |
2 days hunting in Virginia. Had a blast and found some great stuff!
Here is my display from the 2 day hunt.
Eagle breast plate -------------------------Cavelry spur

cut half of a spanish 1 real

silver ring -------------------carved civil war bullet
Leaving for Virginia in a couple days to hunt for Civil war relics!
GNRS Team hunt, I am on team Minelab! |
Hit a beach I did well at the end of last year. The water was completely frozen in.
Worked the dry sand in very heavy rock and iron with the CTX-3030
Got a 1946 silver Quarter, 1918 Silver Mercury dime and a junk ring that scared me when I saw it.
Total for the 4 hour hunt.

I was in New Orleans for 8 days last week and got to do some hunting in a local cane field.Found some nice items and scored my first piece of Indian trade silver. a hand etched Small fish.
This is really cool and a great piece of history. From what I've heard, french traders gave the native Americans large silver decorative pieces and they would cut them up to make smaller pieces to adorn there clothing. Sweet! 